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1. Download the blueprint for Contents Creation using Make (Just import this): blueprint.json
2. Download the DeepSeek Version: deepseek-cms
3. Download the Qwen 2.5 Version: qwen-cms
4. Download the Google Sheet Template: wordpress like CMS Template for Automation
5. SQL to run in Supabase to create articles table:
CREATE TABLE articles ( post_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, post_content TEXT, post_title TEXT, post_path TEXT, image_path TEXT, date TEXT );
6. Prompt to feed in DeepSeek or Qwen:
Can you create a simple CMS in PHP that consists of the following?
A homepage which will have the path as /
this will serve as the initial view people will see in the website.
It should contain the recent posts from a supabase table database. Use http curl here so you will not need supabase library.
display the initial 10 recent posts, do pagination which will have the url like /?page=2
and so on if there are more than 10.
Provide a place in config file and label it accordingly to adjust the recent post number on the homepageFor homepage:
Make sure the display looks descent and responsive. Display the title, an image thumbnail (just decide the smaller version dimension for thumbnail) in cards. The first 250 characters of the content then the link to the actual post.Now for the individual post, I want the url to be /this-is-my-post
the path is from post_path column.
Then display the post page with the title, the responsive image size, the full content rendering the html format, then on the side a recent 5 posts with the link.
Provide a place in config file and label it accordingly to adjust the recent post number on the side.Also, provide the css in a easy to understand format, for example add a label to describe which color is it used for so if this project is distributed the color can be easily customized.
Add a placeholder in post page and homepage where I can easily setup the name of my site and the logo in the header. Also, the name of the site should be configurable in config file, label it accordingly for easy maintenance.
See attached structure of the database table. The table name is articles:
post_content TEXT,
post_title TEXT,
post_path TEXT,
image_path TEXT,
date TEXT
7. Please note to create uploads directory in the Storage